Collective Worship

“Let your light shine” Matthew 5:16


At our school, we meet together every day for a whole school act of worship. All staff and children cherish this special time and enjoy the variety of forms it takes.

Each half term, worship is given a particular Christian Value focus and each day the worship is tailored to fit in with this along with other Christian themes.


Our Christian Values

Year A: Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship, Respect

Year B: Thankfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Justice, Service, Truthfulness


Our school worship is further enhanced by frequent visits and celebrations led by local clergy. We also enjoy weekly visits from Chester Schools Christian Work where Andy Avery along with a group of volunteers share the word of the Lord. They take Bible stories and present them in a variety of ways which educate and entertain the children. From puppetry and acting to songs and music, the team, often with the help of the children themselves, engage the whole school in the Bible story they are telling.

Thursday is a worship of celebration. As a whole school we celebrate all the achievements of the children. It is a chance for us as a school family to celebrate those children who have stood out during the week for their positive attitude or effort in lessons or around school.


Each act of collective worship includes more than one of the following elements:

  • celebration of the major festivals of Christianity and of other faiths
  • presentation of Bible stories
  • topical matters from the news or the locality
  • using literature with implicit or explicit religious teaching
  • appreciation of the natural world and human activity
  • appreciation of the talents, achievements and work of ourselves and others
  • visitors who represent organisations who have a brief acceptable to the school
  • prayer in different forms - formal, children’s own, silence and meditation. These might include praise, seeking forgiveness, asking on behalf of self and others and quiet reflection
  • use of music (this may include CDs / music from the internet as an introduction and conclusion, singing and instrumental playing by members of the school), drama etc
  • use of appropriate artefacts and focal points (candle, cross, flowers etc.)
  • participation by the children
  • using collects, responses, hymns and psalms as a focus for short acts of worship

(From the Diocesan Collective Worship Guidelines)