A busy week..
Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 6:22pm
Lots happening this week in the Reception and year one class. We went on an Autumn walk in our garden area together finding natural objects that God created after reading and learning about the Creation story. Reception have read and are beginning to recite a new story; Owl Babies. They have enjoyed performing part of the story using our story map and have made 'hand Owls' this morning which look brilliant, don't you agree? We have all enjoyed our PE sessions this week and are having fun moving in different ways. Year one are continuing their work following the book The Lion Inside and have planned their own adventure stories which they will write next week. We are also excited to do some art work to go alongside our writing. Year one have also participated in 'Lego maths' this week and some children played a 'secret number' game. Why not ask your children to explain? Well done to the Reception children for trying super hard to learn the sounds m, a, s and d this week and a big well done to the year one children who all tried hard to write sentences that include this weeks spelling pattern. I hope you have a restful weekend ready for our Harvest service on Tuesday!