Science week

Start: 15th May 2017 9:00am

Duration: 15th to 19th

Science Week 15th to 19th May 2017

All classes will be focusing on Science during this week. We will be having a few visitors to help the week be as interesting and exciting as possible. Each class will be studying the work of a scientist to share with the rest of the school at the end of the week.

Monday: Mr Tillotson will be in to talk to both key stages about the Stars and Planets

Tuesday: Y5/6 will be pond dipping at Bickley Hall farm. The rest of the school will be using our pond and garden area for their studies.

Wednesday: Captain Morrison will be talking about the Gallactic space programme to both key stages. He will also be explaining how planes fly to kS2.

KS2 will have a visit from Mrs Chapman, Head of KS3 Science at Christleton High School who will focus on Chemistry.

Thursday: The Zoo Rangers are in school all day working with each class.

Friday: Dr Heard will be in school to talk to both key stages about ROCKETS!

I am sure the children will enjoy the week. Thank you to all our visitors who have offered their time freely to share their knowledge and inspire our future generation.