: Blog items

Year 3/4 Gases, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 French Christmas Cards, by Mrs Strickland

Our volcano experiment, by Mrs Strickland

Krakatoa Display, by Mrs Wainwright

Stained Glass Windows, by Mrs Wainwright

Yr 3 and 4 Trip To Weaver Hall, by Mrs Wainwright

Mary Jones' Bible, by Mrs Wainwright

Year 3/4 Internet Safety, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 Soil investigation, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 Rocks, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 rocks and soils , by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 French Finger Rhymes, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 Skeletons, by Mrs Strickland

Litter Pixies, by Mrs Wainwright

Year 3 and 4 flowers in art , by Mrs Wainwright

Year 3 and 4 Zoo Ranger Visit, by Mrs Wainwright

Year 3/4 Electricity, by Mrs Strickland

Year 3/4 French weather, by Mrs Strickland