Year 1/2 Week ending 18/9/15

Date: 18th Sep 2015 @ 9:27pm

Year 1 and 2 have been estimating and measuring this week. They estimated the length of the playground and measured it in metres. Year 2's had a go at measuring how far toy cars travelled in centimetres and metres and Year 1's looked for things in the classroom which were longer and shorther than 1 metre. 

The children have also looked at place value and ordering numbers. 

I was delighted to read the children's entertaining stories about an animal who came to tea at their house, in Literacy this week. This followed on from our previous work on the story of 'The tiger who came to tea' by Judith Kerr. 

Our classroom displays are already looking bright and colourful, celebrating the children's beautiful work. The children drew pictures of their favourite toys and wrote captions to add to our toys display. After looking at pictures of toys from the 1950's to present day, the children created a 'toy timeline' using the Ipads.